Paradise Chronicles

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything so I thought about starting a blog series called the Paradise Chronicles, which basically entails about life in Bermuda from a locals perspective.

For those who don’t know much about Bermuda, the first thing you must know is that it’s small…tiny even, at only 21 square miles you can drive around the island 5 times in one day and still have time to spare, so over time you can run out of things to do, so we get creative.

Summer time is the best, with beach parties and raft-ups galore; which is when you attach boats to each other in the sea and have one massive boat party, BBQ’s, friendly people and drinks aplenty. It’s hard not to smile.

The island itself? Is beautiful, I’ve been to most of the North Western quarter of the world but my home remains the prettiest, can’t wait to visit Asia though, I hear it’s amazing there too, but below is a shot of the sunset a beach near my place.

Image result for bermuda

Work wise? I cant hate on it at all, people here are relaxed, paychecks are big and there’s no income tax…. soo it’s a nice place to save dollaz. After living in Barcelona for University I’ve always thought of moving back, so i’ll work my ass off in real estate here for that sexy apartment in Catalunya, but until then…No worries

Life is good in paradise.

Life and it’s changes

You never bloody where its gonna take you next…. 2 months ago i was in Bermuda with the family and basically baby-sitting full-time. Now I’m touring Spain with my new girlfriend, and have a flat in Barcelona…. unexpected but I’m not complaining.

Back with more free time on my hands and writing for Stoke Travel so life is turning down a pleasant path.. Although shit can always take a left turn I prefer to think it can last a long time, plus my lady is a dream come true so I hope it does.

I still find the whole situation to be a bit surreal, transferring from Bermuda to a dame in the sunshine and endless sex… Beats the shit out of applying for boring jobs, plus Stoke is still growing and venturing to new places like Brazil and Thailand so theres no need to jump ship.

So there’s my update, we’re off to Seville tomorrow..

One Love


As I lay in my bed amidst passing over from full-time (to part-time) for Stoke Travel for a real-estate internship, I got to say its nice to finally get a chance to chill…

With a week to prepare the crossover and most of the Stoke crew attending to our surf camp in San Sebastian…there’s not as much to do as normal.

So with a free day to just do as I please, I’ve decided to just chill… the only thing I had to do was make a quick stop to the bank yesterday.

As I’ve lived in Barcelona for a considerable time I have no real desire to run around and see things like a tourist….

Instead I’ve spent my time doing things I haven’t had much time to do lately… research music, read a bit, and chill at one of my fav parks where I just laid under a tree… and enjoyed the sounds of my surrounding environment, to just relax.

Since I’ve left my country a year ago it’s been nothing but hectic, during this time I’ve:

  • Graduated from University in Barcelona
  • Completed a 3 month Eurotrip
  • Undertaken a Master’s course in London
  • Switched to crisis stricken Spain instantly for work

As I’ve also been Living with women, had Friends constantly visit and just been doing whatever I can to make a name for myself here…. finding a day for myself has been difficult.

Having a guilt-free wake n’ bake is so nice as well…all I have to do today is shop for some work clothes… that’ll only take me an hour or two, and shopping’s far from stressful.

Lately, life’s been moving so fast as well like last week for instance, I received a phone call for an interview which we could only set 2 hours before a boat party for Stoke…which I had to bartend.

So after impressing in the interview I had to rush to the Stoke office, quickly change my suit for short’s and flip-flops, as I had to get two trolleys worth of alcohol from the market for the party….. Then down beers during it. 😉

Often I’m hanging with Stoke employees after work where a gentle drink at the bar turns into a business meeting with someone who finds our company interesting.

I recently discovered a local girl who is buzzing to go work for us after testing out our San Fermin trip…her interview with my boss is today.

Yesterday, I received an email from someone in Granada who mentioned they had over 10 years of experience in marketing and were willing to move to Barcelona saying he would work for us. As he mentioned we’re a rapidly growing company he wanted to be a part of….. I forwarded it to my boss though as I’m in no position to make a call on that one.

Stoke is growing… and fast, during my first month here I was doing much more than I expected as offers and new parties were being established from every direction and I’d find myself doing 3 or more different sorts of tasks in one day.

From basic promoter, writer, negotiator, to an interviewer, flexibility is something you learn and absorb into your daily expectations here…it’s a great experience.

Area Casa is offering me just as much flexibility in their sales team as well, as they’re giving me a personal project to help their website for tourist (week-long stay) apartments grow with my connections and it’s SEO ratings.

But now as I breeze through music genres like reggae, jazz, House and old-school rap, it feels good to finally hot-box my room for the first time in a while…. Something a stoner appreciates.

So as I fade into the tunes I’m completing 100’s of years of Bermudian heritage were you just…. Chill.

The Stoke Chronicles: Running with Bulls

Not entirely sure about whether or not I’d be on the bus to Pamplona I was just chillin’ and makin’ some breakfast.

To receive a phone call saying,

“Randy, I remember you telling me you wanted to be on the bus, be at the stop in 2 hours.”


Stoke put me in charge of my own drunk bus to Pamplona…and was it good!!

One guy had already passed out after having drunk a bottle of absinthe, so people drawing on him and drinking was the methods of preparation for the festival to come.

On the way I made some friends and after handing out drinks to everyone we set off to join the party. Concerts, sit-offs and bars were buzzing everywhere, as everyone wore the traditional San Fermin kit.

Sparking one in a circle we all take a few hits and move on to the massive concert metres away…swerving to the front we hear the full base behind local rock artists with the crowd going nuts.

What most people don’t know is that prior to the actual Running of the Bulls, they have an opening ceremony where the entire city gets completely fucked on an all-nighter, and those with energy remaining run in the morning.

Meeting some locals our crew gets to improve their Spanish as they learn the basics such as porro…. which means joint.

Constant rolling and drinking led to some wild dancing as some of the interns performed insane grinding sessions with locals that made half the club stop n’ stare.

After more partying my memory gets blurry but somehow we made it to the bull ring in time for the race…at 8am.

No idea how time flew so fast!!

Vaguely I recall workers setting up the borders whilst we partied and set us down a funnel for insane bar drinking. As people sit on top of the fence we grab our spot and wait for the runners.

Personally… I was too fucked to walk or see straight, let alone be chased by a horned behemoth.. but it was fun watchin it!!

Hundreds of people dash into the ring as they’re chased by 5 or 6 raging bulls and as I see a few people from my bus run in…I can’t help but feel some pride.

As the bulls throw a few drunk bastards airborne you begin to think…oh shit this can get real, but as they get up like nothing happened you just laugh and enjoy the show.

But, bulls are not meant to be fucked with!!

Getting back to the station I see people passed out on the floor in groups of 40 or more from the night and I think…damn I know I have to look after them but…. It’s worth it.

There’s one week left for this festival, and our next big one is La Tomatina (The Tomato Fight!!)

If you wanna join the party hit me up.

*One Love*