
Hey everyone, I’m just your average guy with opinion, thought I’d spread out the news that most people are thinkin’ in a entertaining way, hope you like the blog – Randy

117 responses to “About

  1. Definitely entertaining blog. Thank you for your recent follow. I’m just the ordinary person sharing my story 🙂 I’ll be following along~

  2. Hi Randy,

    Thanks for following me; I appreciate your support and hope you continue to enjoy my writing! I look forward to reading more of your blog, too!
    Lauren 🙂

  3. Thank you kindly for following me, check out my older material from when I was feeling more inspired.

  4. Thanks for appreciating my blog… I’m just browsing your page, and immediately lol with one of your posts… Have a great day!

  5. Hi, Randy. I’m happy to see you have joined the reader family of Diabetic Redemption. On my site I have a Friends page, where my readers introduce themselves and their blogs. I hope you will do the same. Welcome!

  6. Hi Randy-

    Thanks very much for following my blog. I really appreciate the support.

    Very glad I got to check out yours- it’s well-written and very personable. Keep up the great work!


  7. Some many people have thank you for following their blogs, and about that, I just want to ask you how you choose to follow me, cose a write în a language so strange for you, and that’s the romanian language.
    Just kidding.

  8. Thanks so much for following my Festival of Flowers blog! I appreciate it very much. I hope you will continue to follow Festival Of Flowers at its new location when we resume in March.

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