How to impress …

How to impress a woman, Compliment her, Cuddle her, Kiss her, Caress her, Love her, Stroke her, Tease her, Comfort her, Protect her, Hug her, Hold her, Spend money on her, Wine & Dine her, Buy things for her, Listen to her, Care for her, Stand by her, Support her, Go to the ends of the earth for her. How to impress a man, Show up naked & bring beer.

Hehe so true… But worth it when you have the right girl

Life and it’s changes

You never bloody where its gonna take you next…. 2 months ago i was in Bermuda with the family and basically baby-sitting full-time. Now I’m touring Spain with my new girlfriend, and have a flat in Barcelona…. unexpected but I’m not complaining.

Back with more free time on my hands and writing for Stoke Travel so life is turning down a pleasant path.. Although shit can always take a left turn I prefer to think it can last a long time, plus my lady is a dream come true so I hope it does.

I still find the whole situation to be a bit surreal, transferring from Bermuda to a dame in the sunshine and endless sex… Beats the shit out of applying for boring jobs, plus Stoke is still growing and venturing to new places like Brazil and Thailand so theres no need to jump ship.

So there’s my update, we’re off to Seville tomorrow..

One Love